Free US shipping for orders over $100Free international shipping for orders over $150

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Noa Kirel business hours?
What is the best way to contact Noa Kirel?
What payment methods are accepted?
Are the prices shown in US Dollars?
Will I be charged a sales tax?
Why is my payment not going through?
Why are there multiple pending charges on my account?
Why is my promotion code not working?
When will my order ship?
Can I cancel/change my order before it is shipped?
Is express shipping available?
What shipping methods are available to the US?
What shipping methods are available for international orders?
How long will it take for my package to arrive?
How can I track my order
What countries does Noa Kirel ship to?
Will I be responsible for international customs duties and taxes?
What should I do if my package has not been received?
What options do I have if my package is lost?
What if I receive the wrong item or a damaged item in my package?
What is Noa Kirel return policy?
How do I start the return process?
What if I don’t have my order number?
How should I package my return?
How long will Noa Kirel take to process my return?
Can I be refunded if I paid using store credit?
Can I return my order for an exchange?
If I need to return my order for a refund/exchange, am I required to return the free gifts that came along with it?
Does Noa Kirel provide return labels?
What happens if my return is lost in the mail?
If I purchased a Noa Kirel from a different retailer, can I return it to Noa Kirel Beauty directly?
What if I purchased my Noa Kirel from an unauthorized retailer?
How can I be sure that the retailer I am purchasing from is an authorized retailer of Noa Kirel?